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Ստեղծում: 30/09/2010 04:25
Թարմացնել: 30/09/2010 04:26
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cvgvddgdfg :: vvxcv

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Հոդված: Archlord Class Guide: Swashbuckler - 30/09/2010 04:26

Archlord Class Guide: Swashbuckler

  • Date:09-28-2010
  • views: 19
  • Author: admain
  • Editor: Sallow
  • Text Size: A A A

Here we introduce you the class of Swashbuckler in Archlord, if you know less about this game, please have a look. That is founded after a great war with the Orcs and a difficult conflict with the Vampire Lord, the Swashbuckler came to be the front line force of the Moon Elves, always there to stand firm against the darkness that sought to destroy Chantra.

As a close range combatant wielding two swords, the elegant and agile Swashbuckler is able to inflict great damage on their enemies, whilst also dodging incoming attacks with ease. Using a number of unique skills(archlord gold) the Swashbuckler is able to maximise their damage by working in conjunction with other classes, chaining their skills together magnifying the effect of each skill within the chain.

Acrobatic Charge
After years of training the Swashbuckler has complete control over every movement. Through careful placement of their feet they are able to quickly cover the distance to an opponent. The force generated by this movement causes damage to all enemies within the Swashbuckler's line of movement. Physical damage to all enemies in a straight line and reduces opponent's movement speed for a short period of time. If the Swashbuckler is invisible when they initiate this attack the damage and duration. In addition, on our website, here is the cheapest Archlord powerleveling service, you can order from us any time.